Monday, November 12, 2007

Showing Up

The best way to work through an experience that is difficult is to show up for it and work through it. I am currently in an experience that does not feel great. Not because of the other elements (they are who they are) but because I have yet to find my authentic self among them. That is a hard feeling for me because I actually feel it deeply and it takes a lot out of me...NOT BEING MYSELF that is. Logically I know that "they" are not asking me to be someone I am not, however, I am tripping, fumbling in an effort to find my peace, my surrender and myself while in their world. I continue to show up because i want this relationship to work and feel good. I want to change my consciousness around it, but it has not been easy.

i use different tactics each time. stay present, bite lip, un bite lip, speak my truth, let things slide...nothing seems to land up the right way.

Anyone else have an experience that relates? or tools that have helped?

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