Monday, November 5, 2007

Let It Brew, Let It Brew

Do you ever wake up with an idea to make a change, in yourself, in the world? And all you want to do is make IT HAPPEN? And then a few hours pass and you feel so overwhelmed because the idea of the idea seems so daunting. Well, likely, it is daunting because we want that pure, innocent, awesome idea to happen and the path to get from idea to HAPPEN seems fucking hard and long. But the idea is in the path. The getting from thought to actual is the idea. or atleast, lends credibility to the idea.

My head has been swimming with a bunch of new ideas, most of which are far from "what I do" Meaning they are not entertainment ideas. How do I get there? First, celebrate my idea because it is really good and worthy. Don't flip-flop and nay say. It is good. Then get quiet and map out how to get to the Happen.

A bet millions of us have genius concepts and most of us will end up saying "oh I had an idea once"

Let's use each other's collective consciousness and go for it. And when you wake up with the lightning bolt of excitement, stay excited, let the idea or thought brew...and like a proper pot of coffee, you will know when it has brewed enough for you start sipping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah.... it is exciting getting the inspiration... it only fizzles when you get flustered as to how to make it happen...

so... brewing... is good advice

Thank you