Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Fulfill It Up

Many years ago, someone who makes their career guiding others in all aspects of life, told me that I had to fulfill my experience with someone in order for it not to show up for me again.

I had someone in my life who I started feeling very un-settled around. They seemed to be self serving and positiony (example: I introduced this person to everyone I loved most and within days this person was going out to dinner with "my people" without ever telling me...one of those)

Anyway, i felt very Talented Mr. Ripley-ed by this person. And then I was told that I had too fulfill that person or "kind of person" so as not to ever attract that into my life again.

The sentiment made sense but I did not put it into practice until very recently. I get it now.

You have to really view the whole experience...why you wanted them in your life, what attracted you to them, what in me needed that kind of a person. Then, when years later, i could answer those questions truthfully, I could fulfill it and no longer attract it or rather be far more discerning. And today, because I have "fulfilled" that kind of Ripley experience, I see it a mile away and steer clear. Basically, I have not had anyone steal my phone book, credit card, identity since. Know what I mean or if you are in a rush just say Jean (Jeannnn....do you know what I mean...go ahead, say it now, say Jean...it is a great meal replacement for 'Do you know what I mean)

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