Monday, October 8, 2007

Discovering is Dating

Because one of my first shares with you was about Rich Whores: A Fairytale (a new tv show I am pitching) I would like to SHARE the process of getting it out there.

We are going on dates right now. Blind dates. The Rich Whores pitch and executives. And so far, the dates have been great. The executives are smitten with Rich Whores and Rich Whores is smitten with the executives. I am sure that we have made a love connection yet, a life partnership...but the dates are going really well. We will continue to blind date until we fall in love with the right company...until the right company falls in love with us.

My point is that we are really enjoying this process because we are in process. And process is progress because it is moving and growing and learning.

At NYU I worked with Liz Swados, a genius theater writer/director. Her live-by motto was this: "I don't give a shit about the 3 weeks of performances. I care only about the process. The journey we take together to get to those 3 weeks of performances. If you care about a packed theater with an audience, if that is your first CARE...get out of my show."

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