Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Grass Seems Greener

Someone was saying to me the other day that I seem so progressive in my career and in accomplishing my goals. And I responded that I see them, someone who shows up everyday at a good job, does a really good job at that good job, makes good money, goes home to their beautiful home and plays, eats and laughs with their three kids and awesome wife, as super progressive and accomplished.

Grass is always a hint greener over there...wherever there is. Do you ever show up in a room full of peers, a party, a barbeque and ask everyone to introduce themselves to everyone else. watch what happens. there will be this really powerful, awe-inspired energy that begins to fill the space. you will be blown away by everyone and their story and their careers. we all seem so much cooler to everyone else than we seem to ourselves. fuck it, i am going to start really embracing my cool factor (not the "i am too cool for you" cool) but the "shit, i do pretty cool things and think in a cool way and search for other cool people" way.

i would love for my grass to seem pretty GREEN to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your grass is green. super green.