Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Q&A with my FATHER

Matt, You asked me 2 questions, the first is what is my favorite quote, it comes from Winston Churchill who said " success is never final and failure is never fatal, what counts is the courage to keep going".

I have always thought it embodies the answer to your second question which is how do you keep going after your poured your heart and soul into a project that ends up not going well for you.

Actually for me that is an easy question to answer but more complicated to implement. You don't have to be the boss or in charge to have people count on you. Many people count on me, hundreds of employees, the rest of my corporation not directly related to the company I have the good fortune to run, vendors to our business and most importantly my family. But as I said you don't have to be the the boss, everyone has someone who counts on them, could be employees, or your family or just yourself. So you can't allow a disappointment or as Churchill says a "failure", to let you tank, to take you down. Never focus on the negative, I re-examine the deal I did not get to see how I can be better on the next one and trust me there will be a next one. I channel the passion to "win" to the next one because I know I can't let down those who count on me including myself. I don't dwell I move on. Easy to say harder to do because human nature might say "whoa is me". Can't have that the world has to many opportunities So there you go what does the old song say "accentuate the positive"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matty B.

I,too, have been wanting to start a blog of expression and personal experience (or the lack there of). I thought perhaps it would be anonymous... it would be about matters of the heart. However, I like what you've started and I intend to read it and add my thoughts as well. Life is complicated and strange and in retrospect we always go through what we needed to go through. The "in between" you feel is only fuel for your creativity. I find that the gray confusing painful times in life are the artist's muse. So, I'm trying to embrace them when I feel there pursuit. Also, comfort in general stifles us and our growth. Holding tight to comfort and security is even worse b/c we spend all our time keeping the comforts we have to miss what the universe is bringing into our lives. All of a sudden we stop living authentically, and we become robots-- nothing new, little inspiration, coasting. So, taking chances, stirring up the shit, scaring yourself, it's bold. And in some way, you will notice the reward, and be grateful. You also can't go through an uncertain phase without become more certain of something by the time it's over. Success isn't about your career or financial gain, it's about how you react when these things disapear. Can you still be happy? I know it's hard for me b/c I attach so much of my self worth to my work and career... but I don't intend to stop creating b/c it makes me happy. Kind of like you will never stop writing-- i.e. this blog. Well, I join you in the pursuit of happiness and joy in uncomfortable climbs to success... but when you rolled down the hill as a kid, you always laughed, right?
Love you,